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Housing Styles & Prices In Yorktown


Yorktown is a sought-after neighborhood of about 1,000 homes that are a mix of pre- and post-war Colonials, Cape Cods, Craftsman and split-level style homes.

While many of the original home haves additions, there are also a growing number of newer and much larger homes that have replaced the original homes.

Average Price = $1,819,500

The average year-to-date sales price for single-family homes in Yorktown as of May 31, 2024, was $1.8million. The lowest SFH sales price in Yorktown was $732,000 and the highest was $1.95 million.

The cost to own a home in Yorktown varies depending on the style and age

  • $1 million and up
    Classic post-war, 3-bedroom Colonials
  • $1.5 million and up
    Updated and expanded homes with 4+ bedrooms
  • $2.2 million and up
    New (or recently constructed) homes with 5-7 bedrooms

It took an average of 31 days to sell a home in Yorktown.

Search Yorktown homes for sale using my local search feature.

Have questions? Or want to buy or sell in the Yorktown neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia?

Meg Ross, Top Realtor in Arlington County, Virginia